Art and Whatnot

The Art and Musings of Emily P Chang

Emmy Says...

... my art is more often done with intention then not. That is, I go to the canvas, fabric, metal, wood, paper and whatnot, with purpose rather than flow, though perhaps this is part of personal evolution as I develop as an artist. Knowing this, I feel a sense of achievement when something is complete, whether or not it actually manifests into the initial vision. My creative expression is like many artists, professional or not, and like my peers, my paintings are reflective of an emotional process, as well as the creative one. There is also a symbolic quality to my work, almost always having a theme or some meaning I am aware of, thereby rendering very personal pieces. I have had to adjust, accept, and indeed, welcome the notion that one never knows what appeals to another with art. That is to say, a piece may not be appreciated for what I set out for myself in creating it, and yet appreciated nonetheless, and that fact is thrilling to me because essentially I can fail and succeed simultaneously. At this point, the works are like Talismans.


... To speak of PROCESS, I encourage you to find yours, for every Human is Endowed with organizational hierarchies internally... To speak of METHODS, mine include many tools, namely, sharps, brushes, saws, files, machines for sewing, choppers; ... To speak of MATERIALS, I employ whatever I own from the GIFTS from friends and family: FABRICS, namely, canvas, linen, cottons, muslins, blended synthetics and usually VINTAGE; paints, namely, oil, gouache, watercolours, acrylics and inks; NOTIONS, namely threads, stitching needles, elastics, grommets, wire. And from NATURE, including, flowers, woods, bamboo staves, and fruit from trees. UPCYCLED textiles are another favorite to begin with; ... To speak of RESULTS, I accept commissions and deliver in a timely manner... To connect for SERIOUS INQUIRIES, my products range from simple to elaborate, Handmade and factory produced... FEEL FREE TO BE, you and me style!



Year of the Snake

... remembering all the lives and loves this new moon.

In the darkness of these winter nights

Deep underground or high on the zeniths

Genetically-repairing mechanisms

So fractional while we Rest.

Happiest of Spring Festivals, everyone!

May your gardens flourish in colorful bounty.



Please enjoy the musical videos at the links above. 

All Good Things for Everyone, all year long...

... 2024 ended like sliding into home plate and the ump marking the player SAFE with his own arms in a T.  No need to review the call.

In other news, A story to share:

"So, Dad.  The walking stick."


"Someone wants to buy it"

The glass portion of this scepter like walking stick of yellow and blue, dates back to the early 2000s, as does the weathered stick itself, a rod from the Home Depot.  It was meant to go with a costume, including his wool top hat bought in the 1990s, New Orleans, and his tuxedo.  Not even he knew the significance for me.  But, so the story goes...

"How much?"


Mind you this transaction was spoken of four years ago, when I first relocated away from the cabin in the woods on the alpaca farm.  In any event,

"Dad," I continued, "I told him I had to ask you first."

His nonagenarian mind responded, "Sell it for a thousand!"

... and so it was, go Emmy, Emmago!  

Late Summer 2024, news

Howdy, Folx!

Working this season on larger works, though also grieving recent loss of loved ones... woe is me.

I am finding Balance with breath and stroke, whether lungs, brush, keys or pen, I continue....


The link below connects to a current group exhibit, with Arts & Culture Council of Bucks County in tandem with Doylestown Hospital, the Small Works Show 2024.

Closer in time, indeed, this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, August 31st - September 1st, I will be showcasing my work with The Mix from 11am to 6pm both days!  Very exciting to end the summer by the Delaware for Riverfest! Sunday in town... Come see us at the red house with the bamboo, parking by Kathee's General Store is super convenient to our locale, 2 Kingwood Avenue, Frenchtown, NJ 08825

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JUNE 2024


Dear Ones,

Please follow the below link for images to the Arts and Culture Council of Bucks County Member Show 2024

Come support your regional artists in our efforts and livelihood... thanks in advance, and see you there... e chang.
Dear Everyone,
I do feel proud to announce my participation in an Artsbridge group show at Angelico Winery. The details are as follows:

May 31, 2024 - June 30, 2024
Opening Reception, May 31st, 5 to 7pm

Angelico Winery LLC
Operation Hours: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun 12-5pm
Directions: Take the 2nd driveway entry by the ANGELICO WINERY sign, along the fenced-in vineyard.
Address: 20 Hamp Road Lambertville, NJ 08530 Saturday 12-6pm 732-947-4262 Drive slow on Hamp Rd. There are children at play.

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From "Spectral Selves: An Art Show" September 11, 2011

Emily P. Chang, Chatham, New Jersey

My need for therapeutic creativity drives me to do art, and project the concept of healing with it.  Making the space and time to create, I arrive at peace within.  The wisdom in divination tools such as astrology, the I Ching, and tarot heavily influence the work I do.  Additionally, while I am driven innately to create, I use my intuitive prophetic and cognitive dreams as a platform to dive into emotional issues we all share. The images in my pieces are recognizable and the symbolism runs deep in the pieces on display.  Additionally, prepared for this exhibit, I draw from the 10 Ox-Herding paintings made famous in the Japanese Zen Buddhist tradition.  The ox in the traditional versions represents ‘self’ on the path to enlightenment.  In my rendition, ‘self’ is represented in the different forms of water seen in the paintings.  The significance of using these images is to point to the collective healing we all share as purpose of human existence.


Personal friend and fellow artist, Barbara Zanelli shares, 'I love the symbolism in your work [because] your knowledge of the esoteric being [is] communicated.'